Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Making it in the music biz....How old is TOO old ?

Let me just state this for the record...
There is no such thing as too old. If you think you are too old to try something new, then you may as well lay it on down, cash in the rsp's, find that rocking chair, and fall asleep watching the evening news. I don't know about anyone else, but music is keeping me alive. (the Rolling Stones too, though not to sure about Keith Richards)
Okay, now that that is out of the way....

I'm working on a website for a bunch of guys that formed a band a few years ago, all in their 40's and 50's, and they have their first CD due out in the fall. They are getting great local reviews and requests from out of town clubs to come out and play. Two of these guys actually have formed another band with some other middle aged guys, so that they can practice eight nights a week instead of the usual six. I myself, looking at fifty full in the face, have just recently started to learn the blues harp, bought myself an electric guitar, and have been playing Mandolin for about 2 years now. Lord knows I've seen enough in my life to justify learning how to play the blues.

Today, the definition of "making it" is in a constant state of change, thanks to the Internet and social sites like Facebook, YouTube, and web hosts like Project Opus and Bandzoogle. Artists are finding more and more that they don't really need the record companies. Anyone with an internet connection, a good product, and a bit of web marketing savvy can get themselves heard without having to butt smooch a bunch of money sucking suits who don't care one whit what you play or even who you are. Radiohead has proven that by letting people pay what the want to download their latest album. They made more money doing that on their own then all their previous "Label" albums put together. Brilliant!

So if you are not part of that artistically shriveling machine, you sure as heck don't have to play by their rules. So ROCK ON dudes and dudettes! Its a brave new world out there and I think its about time that anyone, young or old, who thinks they have something to play and a song to say gets the opportunity to get out there and give'r!



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